Lambang Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia
Lambang Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia
News / Monday, December 11, 2017 09:37 / pepy nofriandi



Jakarta-Public Relation, 11th Desember, 2017. 9th December celebrated as World Anti-Corruption Day. The moment used to against and to memorize how corruption destroy the civilization. According to Transparency International Indonesia survey, corruption perception index year 2016 achieved 37 score from 0-100. Based on that score, Indonesia is in number 90 from 176 countries. Even though Indonesia still cannot compete with Malaysia (49 point), Brunei Darussalam (58 Point) and Singapore (85 point).

Generally every person has been understand that corruption is extraordinary crime. Corruption is crime that not only banned by country but also banned by religious. Meanwhile Indonesia is a country that still contain corruption. Kind of efforts have been made but the results still not meet expectations. Bureaucracy reform has been applied, even conducted by self-assessment. Financial auditing has also been enforced, so that every ministry or institution seeks to obtain an unqualified predicate. Each office area of a government agency or public service office always puts information as a zone of integrity. If this happens the hypothesis can be drawn that the process activity takes precedence over the goal itself.

Slogan and formality still full the publication area. The effort to identify the problem to seek the solution not to spend the budget to discuss only. Scientific research has been applied, service satisfaction survey has been published, but no one care about the result. What is diagnose failed? Or is there solution unsolved the problem? Is there any way to recheck on policy applied? Probably there is one who false become process as goal and all budget not only spend in process and could not achieve the goal. Indeed, all budget used to complete concretely the problem not to spend for discussing and coordination.    

When celebrated world anti-corruption day, MAPPI published the result of their research. Research located at Medan, Banten, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Malang District Court. Based on the result of interview found that “illegal charges” still applied by Substitute registrar and/ or Deputy Registrar. The result of research shall be appreciated and used basic strategic for court leaders to intensively develop and control. Although the amount 50.000 less than e-KTP corruption allegation that right now still in court process, even though less, bribery and illegal charges are prohibited and public really concern on it.

Based on Supreme Court Decree series, namely Supreme Court Decree Number 7, 8, and 9 year 2016, and strengthened by Declaration Chief Justice of Supreme Court Number 01/Maklumat/KMA/IX/2017, then the one who responsible on staffs is leader of court. In case if the “bad habits” done by substitute registrar then the one who responsible is registrar.

Supreme Court leaders really concern to eradicate corruption, bribery and illegal charges. Supreme Court follow up to build the illegal charges-task force (Satgas pungli) and mystery shopper. In kind of development, Chief Justice of Supreme Court has asked to all Supreme Court Leaders, Heads of High Court, and Heads of District Court to socialize, to guide and to control continuously and sustainably.   

Heads of Court must concretely and intensively guide and develop the role of Field Supervisor to prevent and to avoid it. And if the oknum still do illegal charges, then responsibility goes to his/her own self. The alternative solution that able to be acted by leaders is giving punishment to oknum  or its leader acted gradually by direct leader if the leader did not guide and develop their apparatus. If the oknum could not be reapired, then to save the institution. The oknum must be eradicated.

(Head of Legal Affairs and Public Relation/Azh/RS)
