Lambang Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia
Lambang Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia
News / Wednesday, November 14, 2018 15:57 / pepy nofriandi



Singapore – Public Relations: The e-court applications implemented in a number of courts up to present has only covered online processes such as e-filling, e-payment, and e-summons. In fact, as regulated in Article 1 Paragraph (5) of Regulation of the Supreme Court Number 3 of 2018 on Online-Based Case Administration in Courts, it is possible to conduct online court sessions (e-litigation). One of the reasons is due to the complexity and technical consequences caused by the implementation of its procedure, which also extends to court procedural law.

In order to prepare for the implementation of e-litigation as well as to improve the quality of e-court in its entirety, the Supreme Court conducted a comparative study in Singapore on 13 to 15 November 2018. The team for comparative study was led by Chairman of the Ease of Doing Business Working Group, Syamsul Maarif, S.H., LLM., PhD, and followed by DR. Sudrajad Dimyati, S.H., M.H. (Justice), A. S. Pudjoharsoyo, S.H., M. Hum (Secretary of the Supreme Court), DR. Yanto, S.H., M.H. (Chief Judge of Central Jakarta District Court), Drs. Arifin, S.H., M. Hum (Chief Judge of South Jakarta District Court), Sujatmiko, S.H., M.H (Chief Judge of Surabaya District Court), Muhamad Damis, S.H., M.H (Chief Judge of Tangerang District Court), Emie Yuliati, S.E., M.E (Head of Sub-Division for Plans and Programs), Didik Purwanto, SH, MM (Head of Division for Guidance and Monitoring), Ahmad Jauhar, ST, MH, MM (Head of Division for the Maintenance of Informatics Infrastructure), Aria Suyudi, S.H., LLM (Coordinator of JRTO), Puji Wiyono (Member IT Development Team), Syamsul Edy, SH, M.Hum (Judge of Central Jakarta District Court), Achmad Guntur, SH (Judge of South Jakarta District Court), SifaUrosidinMalkan, SH, MH (Judge of Surabaya District Court) and Rudi KartikoSukardjo, SH, MH (Substitute Registrar of Surabaya District Court).

According to a press release received by the Supreme Court desk, the comparative study has at least 4 (four) purposes. First, it is to get inputs on the development of Procedural Law of e-litigation and its technical reference. Second, it aims at getting inputs to the development of infrastructures of first instance courts. Third, it is to gain all information for e-litigation. Lastly, it aims at finding opportunities to upscale the rank of Enforcing Contract at EoDB Survey 2019.

To get the expected results, the team went on some visits to a number of related institutions in Singapore. The first visit took place at the Supreme Court of Singapore that has implemented e-court since 2000. A presentation entitled Briefing on e-litigation and court technologies was presented to the team. It explained the architecture of e-litigation managed by the Supreme Court of Singapore in handling cases. All features of it were also elaborated one by one.

Another presentation was about the technology deployed in the administration of justice such as recorder digital transcript tools, video conference setup, wide screen projectors, and many more.

The application of e-litigation and court technologies has made the Supreme Court of Singapore becoming a modern court.

Apart from visiting the Supreme Court of Singapore, the team also went to see two other courts under the Supreme Court of Singapore, namely State Court of Singapore and Family Justice Court of Singapore. These two courts have also implemented e-court in the settlement of cases.

The last institution visited by the team of the Supreme Court was Crimson Logic. It is the vendor which has developed e-court in all courts in Singapore since 2000. Recently, it opens a service in Singapore Supreme Court for people who do not have access to court cases, but need to submit their case files to the Supreme Court of Singapore. Crimson Logic have considerable experience in developing applications implemented in either governmental and non-governmental institutions

Besides looking forward to get inputs related to the preparation for Academic Text of Procedural Law in electronic litigation, the team also has a plan to develop an action plan to accelerate the implementation of e-court in the Supreme Court of Indonesia and judicial bodies under its jurisdiction. (Humas/Mohammad Noor/A.Adhi)    
